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Italy vs. Australia

Italy vs. Australia cijela utakmica

World Cup 2006

Cijelo natjecanje
World Cup 2006
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Round of 16
Fritz Walter (Kaiserslautern)
26. Lipanj 2006.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. CROchelsea 14. Travanj 2021. 14:28

    One of the worst penalty decisions ever! Disgraceful

  2. NemboKid 14. Travanj 2021. 02:05

    Perché le immagini sono di Sky Italia e il commento è in tedesco? Non dovrebbero esserci Caressa e Bergomi?

  3. ostrowskilouis 2. Srpanj 2020. 13:37

    Not a great game, don't know why it had almost 5 stars. Last 15-20 minutes definitely worth a watch though.

  4. Alvaro 8. Lipanj 2020. 18:51

    An unffair result. But Australia get their chances to win after Materazzi got off. A doubtfull penalty indeed. Italy had the luck on their side on this World Cup. Cannavaro - a monster on Italy defense!

  5. Sbcanada 16. Ožujak 2020. 08:38

    I don’t bemoan Italy winning the World Cup.... but they were very lucky in this game. And a terrible penalty decision...