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Manchester United vs. Athletic de Bilbao

Manchester United vs. Athletic de Bilbao cijela utakmica

Europa League 2011-2012

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Europa League 2011-2012
Round of 16, 1st leg
Old Trafford (Manchester)
8. Ožujak 2012.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Taha 1. Lipanj 2021. 13:46

    This was the first leg not the second one.

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 4. Rujan 2021. 14:45

    Exactly. And that's what it says in the info, 1st leg.

  3. rolf 31. Ožujak 2020. 21:28

    no esta disponible en español?

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 1. Travanj 2020. 11:57

    Por favor, consulta la sección FAQs en cuanto al idioma de los partidos.

  5. radnext 25. Ožujak 2020. 20:12

    lag :'(

  6. Footballia
    Footballia 26. Ožujak 2020. 23:54

    Please see the reply to the comment below this one.

  7. nicklas 18. Ožujak 2020. 16:20

    it lags so much wtf its unwatchable

  8. Footballia
    Footballia 19. Ožujak 2020. 09:01

    We apologize for the inconvenience, but the server's overloaded. Please try again at a later time if it gets too uncomfortable.

  9. Nüel Weinchard 16. Ožujak 2020. 02:02

    What a game, simpy loco Bielsa!

  10. Omalone1
    Omalone1 26. Ožujak 2020. 01:19

    They were somewhat win easily Only Athletico could stop them in the final The run from the defender in the second leg was immense

  11. ledabs2 23. Kolovoz 2018. 08:48

    Bielsa is genius

  12. Aziz 14. Listopad 2016. 13:49

    Best website ever. I'm in love. Keep it up guys