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Euro 2000
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Euro 2000
Group stage, matchday 3
Roi Baudouin (Bruxelles)
19. Lipanj 2000.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Inaki 4. Travanj 2021. 17:06

    poor de wilde .. very bad goalkeeper

  2. genghisyuan 21. Prosinac 2020. 14:44

    çok heyecan verici!

  3. 5. Svibanj 2020. 14:55


  4. maarcelooalexandre 2. Kolovoz 2019. 18:46

    Hakan Sukur pulou mais alto que o goleiro... lenda!!

  5. Sebas81 20. Kolovoz 2018. 10:29

    I had remembered Belgium starting strongly, but Turkey growing the better side throughout this match. Seeing it again I have to concede that it's a unlucky defeat for Belgium. For most parts of the match, Turkey has been pushed back, neither playing good counter attacks after their lead - until the second goal.

  6. hirald0
    hirald0 27. Prosinac 2020. 10:55

    I came to the same conclusion when watching this game recently. The goals seemed fairly random. At the same time, Belgium did lack craft and missed someone like Johan Walem (injured at the time I think). Both midfields left a fair amount to be desired.