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Argentina vs. Germany

Argentina vs. Germany cijela utakmica

Friendly 1982

Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Monumental (Buenos Aires)
24. Ožujak 1982.
x 123459 glasova

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  1. MagicDip 14. Svibanj 2020. 20:03

    The players had the classic Argentine number system: Olguin the right back had the n°4 and Tarantini the left back, the n°3. The German commentator had probably his notes mixed up since he kept referring to Tarantini as "Olguin".

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 15. Svibanj 2020. 11:38

    Thank you for pointing it out. You're absolutely right, Olguín was usually the right back in this team, #4, while Tarantini was usually the left back, #3,

  3. 8. Srpanj 2019. 01:58


  4. Lukittaz 16. Kolovoz 2018. 17:42

    Excelente gracias!