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Bayern München vs. FC Barcelona

Bayern München vs. FC Barcelona cijela utakmica

Champions League 2012-2013

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Semi-final, 1st leg
Allianz Arena (München)
23. Travanj 2013.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. BoDa 30. Lipanj 2020. 04:56

    please i need the match between bayern munchen and real madrid 2018 the page hasn't found please RELOAD it and thanks for your effort

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 30. Lipanj 2020. 10:49

    We've posted a text explaining the reasons for this. Thank you for reading! :-)

  3. wagner1337 15. Lipanj 2020. 12:54

    Looks like Barcelona pick his volleyball team to play...

  4. cicciobomber2208 9. Travanj 2020. 20:45

    That Bayern was a hell of a team but this game saw one of the worst officiating ever.

  5. Arkan 8. Travanj 2020. 04:39

    thanks for this great site. just signed yesterday and i got one question, can i change the quality of the videos or not?

  6. Footballia
    Footballia 8. Travanj 2020. 13:20

    Thank you. The quality of the videos is the quality with which they were recorded and it's how they've been preserved. It can't be changed.

  7. Arkan
    Arkan 8. Travanj 2020. 17:33

    hmm the quality is good though so nevermind, thanks again!

  8. guadarr 27. Ožujak 2020. 08:37

    Solo está con el audio en inglés?

  9. Footballia
    Footballia 27. Ožujak 2020. 18:35

    Por favor, mira la sección de FAQs en relación al idioma de los partidos.

  10. Juan Gutierrez 26. Ožujak 2020. 20:14

    por que se traba? :c

  11. Footballia
    Footballia 27. Ožujak 2020. 00:27

    Puedes encontrar información sobre ese tema en la sección de FAQs.

  12. Gabriel 19. Ožujak 2020. 19:19

    poderiam colocar a opção de diminuir ou aumentar a qualidade de imagem do video

  13. Yaslo77 23. Prosinac 2019. 08:41

    first goal there is a foul for Alves second goal is clear off side third goal is foul for Alba

  14. Fabian0208
    Fabian0208 24. Ožujak 2020. 21:28

    With VAR Bayern would have got another two penalties anyway

  15. Karimcarva 27. Srpanj 2019. 15:12

    Genius jupp hijnkes

  16. Hjacales 4. Ožujak 2019. 01:55

    En Suplentes Falta Luiz Gustavo :)

  17. Footballia
    Footballia 4. Ožujak 2019. 07:26

    Arreglado, ¡gracias!