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Beşiktaş JK vs. Liverpool FC

Beşiktaş JK vs. Liverpool FC cijela utakmica

Champions League 2007-2008

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Group stage, matchday 3
İnönü (İstanbul)
24. Listopad 2007.

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  1. Ruutu 22. Lipanj 2019. 00:04

    Second half wasn't properly rendered. There's only sound and the image is entirely black for the duration of the whole second half.

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 23. Lipanj 2019. 09:59

    Yes, it seems the file is faulty. We'll try to get the original file from the user again.

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 24. Lipanj 2019. 18:06

    We've re-encoded the video and replaced it. Please see if it works for you now. Thanks!

  4. Ruutu
    Ruutu 24. Lipanj 2019. 18:19

    Perfect! You guys rock!

  5. salp1903 19. Lipanj 2019. 23:23

    Second half not work.

  6. Footballia
    Footballia 20. Lipanj 2019. 06:54

    We've just checked and it works fine. Please make sure your browser is up to date.

  7. salp1903
    salp1903 20. Lipanj 2019. 17:45

    I have tried three different browsers, but none of them worked.

  8. Footballia
    Footballia 21. Lipanj 2019. 06:41

    We apologize for the inconvenience. Please tell us what error you're seeing. Do you get an error message or does it just not load?

  9. Footballia
    Footballia 23. Lipanj 2019. 10:00

    Could you please send us the 2nd half again? We'll try to render it again and see if the problem is solved. Thank you!

  10. salp1903
    salp1903 23. Lipanj 2019. 12:31

    how can I send?

  11. salp1903
    salp1903 23. Lipanj 2019. 21:36

    I have sent you matches by mail

  12. Footballia
    Footballia 24. Lipanj 2019. 08:15

    Perfect, thank you!

  13. Footballia
    Footballia 24. Lipanj 2019. 18:06

    We've re-encoded the video and replaced it. Please see if it works for you now. Thanks!

  14. salp1903
    salp1903 24. Lipanj 2019. 18:09

    Yes it works !

  15. CallMeDom 19. Lipanj 2019. 19:53

    2nd half no video???

  16. Footballia
    Footballia 24. Lipanj 2019. 18:06

    We've re-encoded the video and replaced it. Please see if it works for you now. Thanks!