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Borussia Dortmund vs. Bayern München

Borussia Dortmund vs. Bayern München cijela utakmica

Champions League 2012-2013

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  1. Slevin Kelevra 12. Prosinac 2020. 15:51

    Uma das melhores finais champions de todos os tempos facil.

  2. MauriDalzotto 12. Srpanj 2020. 04:42

    Uma partida clássica da última década, Robben foi sensacional.

  3. Amarillo2017 25. Svibanj 2020. 19:50

    Gran partido. Se jugó el día de mi boda. Así que hoy, para recordar, lo he vuelto a ver.

  4. Ad 19. Travanj 2020. 11:10

    Is there an English option for this game and others? Can I change it to English

  5. Footballia
    Footballia 20. Travanj 2020. 11:17

    Please check the FAQs section regarding the language of the matches.

  6. Tony 28. Ožujak 2020. 23:07

    Do you have any suggestions for being able to watch the games without any buffering? Every game that I put on buffers a lot and I don't think that it is my internet connection.

  7. Footballia
    Footballia 29. Ožujak 2020. 10:22

    Please check our FAQs section regarding the quarantine-derived problems. In any case, we suggest you try at a different time. It works fine most of the time.

  8. Jules12
    Jules12 31. Ožujak 2020. 11:09

    Yep, same. But try AdBlock.

  9. XoAzIo 28. Kolovoz 2019. 21:01

    Disculpen, no tendrán el partido en español. Gracias.

  10. Footballia
    Footballia 28. Kolovoz 2019. 22:42

    Lo sentimos, pero es un partido entre equipos alemanes y siempre que tenemos la opción, publicamos los partidos en la lengua de los equipos participantes.