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Borussia Dortmund vs. Paris Saint-Germain

Borussia Dortmund vs. Paris Saint-Germain cijela utakmica

Champions League 2019-2020

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Round of 16, 1st leg
Westfalenstadion (Dortmund)
18. Veljača 2020.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Catho 3. Ožujak 2021. 06:14

    Thanks very very very very much for providing us with such beautiful matches

  2. Panaminho92 14. Listopad 2020. 16:50

    on entendait que nous !!!

  3. Ziqkwee 4. Svibanj 2020. 17:49

    I cannot watch the second half

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 5. Svibanj 2020. 11:21

    Yes, you can ;-) Just let the first half play till the end. The second will begin automatically.

  5. Red 3. Svibanj 2020. 17:01

    Come faccio a vedere il secondo tempo???

  6. Footballia
    Footballia 4. Svibanj 2020. 09:33

    Non bisogna fare niente, comincia automaticamente dopo il primo.

  7. ARCO98 5. Travanj 2020. 23:29

    Algún dia podrian ponerlo tambien en español?

  8. Footballia
    Footballia 6. Travanj 2020. 11:02

    Por favor, consulta la sección FAQs en cuanto al idioma de los partidos.

  9. guilherme silva 1. Travanj 2020. 01:15

    a internet aqui é boa e demora muito pra carregar mais o site é bom

  10. Footballia
    Footballia 1. Travanj 2020. 12:13

    Obrigado! Por favor, consulte a secção FAQs sobre esse assunto.

  11. Efeturk 25. Ožujak 2020. 14:24

    Hi, am looking to join a good professional club and in need of a solid football agent ... here is a link to some of my football videos on Youtube... , ..... and I can be reached at this email:

  12. Iliass 18. Ožujak 2020. 11:44

    Pourquoi on peux pas visionner le match alors qu'il date de 30 jours maintenant ?

  13. Iliass
    Iliass 18. Ožujak 2020. 11:45


  14. Footballia
    Footballia 18. Ožujak 2020. 13:11

    C'est pas 30 jours. Ce mois de février a eu 29 jours.

  15. Pfut 20. Veljača 2020. 23:53

    Pourquoi on ne peut pas regarder le match avant 30 jours après qu’il ait été joué ?!

  16. Hanid1663
    Hanid1663 21. Veljača 2020. 04:23

    j'avoue c'est vraiment pas cool

  17. Footballia
    Footballia 21. Veljača 2020. 20:26

    Footballia est un archive de foot historique, ce n'est pas un site de replays. Notre objectif, c'est le long terme, pas l'immédiateté. Les deux ne sont pas compatibles.