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Bulgaria vs. Italy

Bulgaria vs. Italy cijela utakmica

World Cup 1994

Cijelo natjecanje
World Cup 1994
Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Giants Stadium (East Rutherford)
13. Srpanj 1994.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. niakola 10. Srpanj 2020. 10:38

    second hand by costacurta but Referee the frenchman Joel Quiniou, not see it ??

  2. frantxas91 7. Travanj 2020. 06:48

    En la sección de resultado, están mal asignados los goles, gran partido

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 7. Travanj 2020. 12:09

    ¡Gracias por señalar el error! Ya está corregido.

  4. Mauro Alegretti 26. Svibanj 2019. 11:29

    The best of match: R. Baggio and Albertini.

  5. Baggio10 15. Rujan 2018. 23:17

    Do you have the English commentary with John Motson saying "A goal to grace a world cup semifinal...:?

  6. Baggio10 15. Rujan 2018. 23:15

    Do you have the English commentary with John Motson saying "A goal to grace a world cup semifinal...:?