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Chelsea FC vs. Manchester United

Chelsea FC vs. Manchester United cijela utakmica

Champions League 2010-2011

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Quarter-finals, 1st leg
Stamford Bridge (London)
6. Travanj 2011.

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  1. Jesus Garrido 5. Srpanj 2021. 23:34

    por favor suban arsenal vs manchester united 2011-2012 resultado 1-2

  2. FranCARPMUFC 13. Svibanj 2020. 11:40

    El partido se ve mejor cuando tenes 2 archivos , a mi no me molesta verlo en 2 archivos , para mi es mucho mejor!!

  3. Paul 6. Travanj 2020. 00:47

    But anyway good footage

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 6. Travanj 2020. 11:04

    Thank you!

  5. Paul 6. Travanj 2020. 00:46

    Yeah but when I wait and then go back to full screen it does the same thing, and so forth and it’s aggravating

  6. Footballia
    Footballia 6. Travanj 2020. 11:04

    In that case, it's probably your browser, especially if you're using Chrome. Make sure it's fully updated.

  7. Paul 5. Travanj 2020. 18:45

    I beg please stop making the damn video leave from full screen just so we could see ads. Don't you know that its disturbing the video?

  8. Footballia
    Footballia 5. Travanj 2020. 20:18

    Either an ad is interfering with your full screen, in which case you just need to wait a few seconds until the ad is gone; or else your browser is not fully up to date.