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Dynamo Kyiv vs. Bayern München

Dynamo Kyiv vs. Bayern München cijela utakmica

European Cup 1976-1977

Prenio korisnik: Ghabryell2 Komentara1386 PogledaNema komentatora
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European Cup 1976-1977
Quarter-finals, 2nd leg
Respublikansky Stadion (Kyiv)
16. Ožujak 1977.

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  1. GuardiolaStan 22. Srpanj 2021. 22:10

    Pretty interesting game to watch. The kind of game Lobanovskyi wanted this team to play was too ahead of his time. Even the players look a bit confused at times.

  2. mel 6. Prosinac 2020. 23:33

    rummenigge waste huge chance and after few mins bayern lost tour.

  3. FootballFnatic
    FootballFnatic 31. Prosinac 2020. 02:21

    Yeah , back in the early stages of his career he really lacked a killer instinct in front of goal . I'd say after the 1978 World Cup , he started to have that killer instinct in front of goal .