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World Cup 1990
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Round of 16
Renato dall'Ara (Bologna)
26. Lipanj 1990.

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  1. ilgenio21 9. Srpanj 2021. 06:01

    Great memory...was a supporter of the belgian team, very entertaining football in the round robin, contrary to the ugly english team in the terrible F group...very disappointed that the game didn't go to the "tirs aux buts" like we say in the penalty shots...i wanted to see Prud'homme stopping some english shots.

  2. Reefa 11. Svibanj 2020. 14:09

    To be fair I agree ! Your website is a great idea and good that it is free to access . Well done . Maybe I am being too critical !

  3. Reefa 10. Svibanj 2020. 11:51

    Quite a poor quality picture . It’s a shame there isn’t an English version considering it was such an important game in England football history

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 10. Svibanj 2020. 12:22

    Instead we think it's lucky there is one version so we can all enjoy this match in full for free, whatever the language of the commentary. ;-)

  5. Fernando Joca 28. Ožujak 2018. 18:07

    What a difference a law's change can make.....Back in the early 90's if a player were in the same line as the 2nd last defender,it's an offside.....