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Europe vs. Rest of the World

Europe vs. Rest of the World cijela utakmica

Friendly 1997

Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Vélodrome (Marseille)
4. Prosinac 1997.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Nialarfatem 25. Srpanj 2021. 06:09

    Hello! This match can be found on YouTube with Spanish commentary: Based on the native language of the players played and the fact more people speak Spanish than them who speak Russian in the world, the Spanish commentary is a better choice than the Russian one. Cheers!

  2. VoJKaN ThE CrAzY ReD DeViL 4. Studeni 2020. 16:35

    The languge is english only at the start of the match.The whole match is in Russian.

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 7. Studeni 2020. 12:24

    Thank you for pointing out the mistake.

  4. Nelson Mansilla 26. Travanj 2020. 10:57

    Batistuta & Ronaldo.

  5. Kevin 18. Travanj 2020. 02:14


  6. Kevin 17. Travanj 2020. 18:01

    Este partido se puede descargar?

  7. Footballia
    Footballia 17. Travanj 2020. 18:57

    No está permitido descargar contenido de esta web.