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FC Barcelona vs. AC Milan

FC Barcelona vs. AC Milan cijela utakmica

Champions League 2012-2013

Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Round of 16, 2nd leg
Camp Nou (Barcelona)
12. Ožujak 2013.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Ruka 28. Ožujak 2020. 13:20

    This player is terrible

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 29. Ožujak 2020. 10:04

    It's not the player. Please check our FAQs section regarding the quarantine-derived problems.

  3. Rishabh 24. Ožujak 2020. 21:05

    Anybody else facing issues with the constant buffering of the video? Is anybody aware of how this can be resolved?

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 24. Ožujak 2020. 23:18

    Please check the FAQs section regarding that matter.

  5. YoungPanther 18. Kolovoz 2019. 01:23

    Después del 0 - 2 en Milán, Mario Kempes, por ESPN, aseguró, casi, que el resultado era irreversible. Que resultaba imposible imaginar que Barcelona pudiera darlo vuelta. Eso demostró que el "Matador" como gran goleador que fue, es un pésimo periodista.

  6. Igor_1021 8. Srpanj 2019. 12:29

    Messi é mágico.

  7. CallMeDom 24. Svibanj 2019. 23:59

    When they say ''Ronaldo is better than Messi'' show them these 2 Messi goals! What reaction you must have and ball control? He is from another planet, definetlly!