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FC Barcelona vs. Atlético de Madrid

FC Barcelona vs. Atlético de Madrid cijela utakmica

Liga 1ª División 1993-1994

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  1. Peredoba 11. Studeni 2020. 17:07

    One of the best 90s matches for sure! Classic.

  2. Patbou 14. Ožujak 2020. 20:56

    Frenetico as the describer put it, this match involving a Barcelona period Cruijff and a mid-table Atletico side that turned out to be for the ages. The game starred among others the ref, Pep in a standout game and of course Romario. We have to mention an intriguing cameo by an hare as well. Very high quality video for the era, Other times, other customs, getting red carded would warrant a player to get surrounded in a scrum by newspeople handing mikes to your face as he tried to leave the pitch ! This is exactly the kind of game that the site is for, keep these games available for fans and students of the game.