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FC Barcelona vs. Getafe CF

FC Barcelona vs. Getafe CF cijela utakmica

Copa del Rey 2006-2007


*SPOILER* El famoso gol maradoniano de Messi al Getafe.

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Copa del Rey 2006-2007
Semifinal, ida
Camp Nou (Barcelona)
18. Travanj 2007.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Wallace B. 15. Svibanj 2021. 03:59

    O dia que Messi imitou Maradona

  2. Alexiiis 2. Travanj 2021. 03:22

    Messi messi ancara Messi ancara Messi ancara Messi acara Messi gooooooool

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 6. Travanj 2021. 10:37

    It's actually "encara", which is Catalan for "still". :-) What the commentator is saying is "still Messi, still Messi..."

  4. kiro7777777 5. Lipanj 2020. 13:45

    HD ?!!

  5. Footballia
    Footballia 6. Lipanj 2020. 12:51

    We can only deduce from your message that you are wondering why the game is not in HD quality. Is that what you mean? If so, there were no HD broadcasts in Spain in 2007, and hardly anywhere for that matter.

  6. ismaelromanherrera 18. Prosinac 2016. 05:46

    También te digo que menudos paquetes. Con patatas.

  7. IgnacioZuma
    IgnacioZuma 9. Srpanj 2021. 11:56
