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FC Porto vs. Sporting CP

FC Porto vs. Sporting CP cijela utakmica

Primeira Liga 2007-2008

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  1. 1Pedr0 5. Lipanj 2020. 13:36

    Boa Tarde, É possível ver este jogo em português? Ou colocar um link para o conseguir ver? Cumprimentos Grande trabalho

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 6. Lipanj 2020. 12:48

    Não, infelizmente não é possível. Se o tivéssemos em português, já seria publicado. :-)

  3. Ruutu 6. Studeni 2019. 00:48

    Who is "Angel Ronny Sanchez Beltre"? His name is actually "Ronny Heberson Furtado de Araújo".

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 6. Studeni 2019. 12:46

    For some strange reason, that's the name that appears for this player on many websites. If you google it, you'll see how many hits you get. We've corrected it now in any case, thanks for pointing it out.

  5. Ruutu
    Ruutu 7. Studeni 2019. 23:25

    Thanks. I've google-searched that name, but I only got results in Spanish. In both Portuguese and English it appeared with the correct name. Weird... Maybe someone vandalized his Spanish Wikipedia article or something...