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World Cup 1994
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Group stage, matchday 2
Giants Stadium (East Rutherford)
23. Lipanj 1994.

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  1. malcolmwasright 15. Travanj 2021. 17:35

    Still confused by the commentator who kept referring to Pagliuca being sent off, but Italy playing with ten men on the field when one of them was out of the pitch for an injury. Maldini spends 3 minutes out being medicated in the second half, and he keeps saying "Italy with 10 players on the field right now!". Thank you for the upload!

  2. onizuka 21. Studeni 2020. 23:21

    Dur pour Baggio.R et super pour Di Baggio.

  3. Mauro Alegretti 20. Svibanj 2019. 03:24

    Best of match: Maldini and Signori.

  4. spikey 5. Siječanj 2019. 18:33

    Norway goal should've stood

  5. spikey 5. Siječanj 2019. 18:33

    Norway goal should've stood