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Liverpool FC vs. Red Bull Salzburg

Liverpool FC vs. Red Bull Salzburg cijela utakmica

Champions League 2019-2020

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Group stage, matchday 2
Anfield (Liverpool)
2. Listopad 2019.

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  1. Afrina 6. Svibanj 2020. 22:45

    Ok got it thanks!

  2. Afrina 5. Svibanj 2020. 12:35

    Where can i watch the second half of the match? The video is only the first half

  3. Negatveslash
    Negatveslash 6. Svibanj 2020. 02:19

    It plays automatically when the first half is done

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 6. Svibanj 2020. 12:00

    Thank you, Negatveslash. That's exactly right, Afrina. Just let the first half play till the end, don't stop it.