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Euro 92
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Euro 1992
Ullevi (Göteborg)
22. Lipanj 1992.
x 1234522 glasova
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Mister Oranje 14. Srpanj 2021. 03:41

    Cuesta creer que semejante plantilla holandesa, defensora del titulo y con el gran Rinus Michels de DT no haya logrado meterse en la final y reeditar el titulo.

  2. GRACIAS DIEGO 15. Travanj 2021. 17:02

    Gran partido del numero 5, Andersen, quien había sufrido horrores el primer partido, pero que con el correr del torneo se convirtió en la llave del equipo, con un despliegue enorme por la banda izquierda. También sobresaliente el 6, Christofte, siendo salida y eje para organizar la defensa, que se tuvo que bancar a los titanes holandeses. Gullit jugo de manera brillante también, y fue lo mejor de Holanda, dentro de un equipo repleto de variantes, y que en mi opinión hizo el gasto del partido y jugo mejor, por mas que el arbitro tenia la naranja puesta abajo del buzo. Y tremendo sacrificio del 9 de Dinamarca, que se ocupo de fajar a los centrales holandeses y ser siempre referencia para arrastrar al equipo hacia adelante recibiendo y bajando todo lo que le tiraron.

  3. Rafa di Barros 31. Kolovoz 2020. 07:58

    Match could not be played. Help me, please!

  4. fefoot 30. Lipanj 2020. 11:20

    A campeã de 1988 não conseguiu defender o título.

  5. Rich 26. Veljača 2020. 02:15

    I have a version with British commentary

  6. wede
    wede 30. Svibanj 2020. 06:50

    share with us please...

  7. risaralda maraya 6. Srpanj 2019. 14:44

    Lamentable la actuación del arbitro español...……..MALISIMO!!!!!!!!

  8. socratead
    socratead 4. Veljača 2021. 07:26

    Clearly the referee did everything in his power to help Netherlands make the finals. There could have been some red cards taking into consideration the viciousness of the tackles. I want to just point out that after one of these tackles Laudrup couldn't continue his stelar play and had to be substituted. My conclusion about this match is that Denmark had by far a better coach who organized their play. In most of the situations Denmark players seemed to outnumber the adversaries, which is an indication that their coached organized them better in the field. Even when playing in 10 men after another violence from the Netherland players that made Sivebaeck limping, Denmark still had a few situation with multiple players overwhelming the Netherlands defence. Moreover, there was a telling difference in the quality of the goalkeepers which contributed to the final outcome.