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Netherlands vs. England

Netherlands vs. England cijela utakmica

World Cup Qualification 1993

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Matchday 20
De Kuip (Rotterdam)
13. Listopad 1993.

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  1. Rich 30. Lipanj 2021. 02:19

    Epic match such an absolute disgrace that it’s in Thai? Voiceover of the infamous Martin Tyler. What a shame commercial cuts out 2nd goal. Come on there has be traders out there who have English versions.

  2. mel 11. Travanj 2021. 15:17

    Watch the ref carefully

  3. dammul 21. Svibanj 2020. 21:26

    Thanks for this. It was a great match. But any TV company who puts ads in the middle of a live match shouldn't be allowed broadcast live sport. And missing the second Dutch goal....unforgivable.

  4. Rich 20. Ožujak 2020. 01:37

    Great game please get English version. Thai? That’s a joke

  5. Footballia
    Footballia 20. Ožujak 2020. 14:34

    Be that as it may, this being the only copy we have, we think it's better to post it in whatever language than not post it at all.