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Netherlands vs. Hungary

Netherlands vs. Hungary cijela utakmica

Euro Qualification 1966

Prenio korisnik: Ghabryell1 Komentara8878 PogledaNema komentatora

Johan Cruijff's debut in the Netherlands national team.

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Matchday 1
De Kuip (Rotterdam)
7. Rujan 1966.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. MagicDip 15. Siječanj 2021. 18:46

    Hello, here are the right numbers for the Dutch: 1 Pieters Graafland - 2 Flinkevleugel - 3 Israel - 4 Schrijvers - 5 Veldhoen - 6 Pijs - 7 Bennie Muller - 8 Swart - 9 Cruijff - 10 Nuninga - 11 Keizer

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 28. Siječanj 2021. 18:48

    Thanks very much!