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Nigeria vs. Argentina

Nigeria vs. Argentina cijela utakmica

Olympic Games 1996

Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Sanford (Athens)
3. Kolovoz 1996.

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  1. vika01 27. Studeni 2017. 12:57

    Work wise I understand. Spoiler? Not at all. I am a referee and only watch so I can see the referees. That's why I wondered about the cards.

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 27. Studeni 2017. 14:52

    We understand. Still it would increase our workload greatly. These sheets are intended as guides to follow the game, not as summaries. You can find that kind of information on plenty of websites.

  3. vika01 23. Listopad 2017. 20:37

    I would have loved if you could show the minutes of the yellow and red cards so we could click and get to that minute.

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 23. Listopad 2017. 23:55

    That would be an unnecessary spoiler, not to mention a huge amount of work which we can't face for something of limited interest.