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Real Madrid vs. VfL Wolfsburg

Real Madrid vs. VfL Wolfsburg cijela utakmica

Champions League 2015-2016

Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Quarter-finals, 2nd leg
Santiago Bernabéu (Madrid)
12. Travanj 2016.
x 1234579 glasova
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. SIMO 12. Travanj 2021. 16:35

    Hey, I think the video file is corrupt or something. It wont stream at all.

  2. AlejoVargasG7 2. Veljača 2021. 05:00

    Por partidos como este es que Cristiano Ronaldo es el mejor jugador de todos los tiempos. Él si aparece en los momentos donde su equipo más lo necesita. El verdadero G.O.A.T. Marcó un HAT-TRICK con goles de todos los tipos, uno en jugada, otro de cabeza y uno de tiro libre, tremenda remontada.

  3. Bloushikwt 12. Listopad 2020. 11:26

    Can you download the audio from other commentary languages and put them with the video so we have the option to choose commentary language

  4. Elpatron196 7. Lipanj 2020. 17:14

    Please please please upload the english commentry of this one(only for peter drury). Although i enjoy spanish commentary

  5. Footballia
    Footballia 8. Lipanj 2020. 20:52

    Please check the FAQs section regarding the language of the matches. Thank you.

  6. rida 14. Svibanj 2020. 10:11


  7. neo 19. Ožujak 2020. 08:47


  8. Hugo André Reinhard 10. Siječanj 2020. 22:27

    El princípio de las 3 seguidas

  9. Mounya 24. Rujan 2019. 21:05


  10. Hulliio 3. Rujan 2019. 15:21

    Partido memorable de mr champions

  11. indra007 4. Listopad 2018. 17:32


  12. Diego Benítez 15. Svibanj 2018. 00:50
