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South Africa vs. Mexico

South Africa vs. Mexico cijela utakmica

World Cup 2010

Cijelo natjecanje
World Cup 2010
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Group stage, matchday 1
Soccer City (Johannesburg)
11. Lipanj 2010.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Deku 23. Travanj 2021. 20:00


  2. Fernando Raul 15. Veljača 2021. 19:55

    fantastico audio y calidad felicidades voy a ver todo el mundial entero

  3. 9. Veljača 2021. 13:01


  4. Akhil 17. Listopad 2020. 11:52

    Can I get the audio in English

  5. Footballia user 10. Srpanj 2020. 13:44

    Como se puede poner los partidos en español

  6. Footballia user 18. Lipanj 2020. 23:46


  7. 31. Svibanj 2020. 22:19

    xq se para cada segundo no puedo ver bien el partido ):

  8. Footballia
    Footballia 1. Lipanj 2020. 10:22

    Debes de haber coincidido con un momento de mucho tráfico. Normalmente funciona correctamente. Te animamos a que lo vuelvas a probar en otro momento.

  9. Tim 5. Svibanj 2020. 09:11

    I remember watching this match as a child, with my mother after school .... what a memory!

  10. SamuelPlayz
    SamuelPlayz 8. Svibanj 2020. 00:27

    You guys have school during the WC

  11. Braian1512 16. Travanj 2020. 04:16

    No se puede cambiar el idioma?

  12. Footballia
    Footballia 16. Travanj 2020. 11:02

    Por favor, consulta la sección FAQs en lo relativo al idioma de los partidos.

  13. carlos 29. Listopad 2019. 16:35

    que recuerdos me trae este partido inaugural, el que ama al futbol tambien amo este mundial en un pais que no cuenta con muchas riquezas, pero que nos lleno de una riqueza futbolistica... sin duda uno de los tres mejores mundiales de la historia

  14. Maradona 8. Svibanj 2019. 05:02

    This brings back many memories. This world cup made me addicted to football. Thanks so much, this brings tears to my eyes to watch all of these

  15. Sige1993 30. Ožujak 2019. 23:33

    Wow, this website is really amazing. Thank you so much!

  16. Footballia
    Footballia 31. Ožujak 2019. 00:55

    Thank you, you're very kind!

  17. Rafael Silveira 3. Siječanj 2019. 00:06

    This match made me see, at the time, how sensational was football. Extraordinary match, maybe not from a technical view, but if you see beyond the pitch, you'll understand what I mean.

  18. Orochimaru 4. Srpanj 2018. 21:53

    Is there a way to see the video without it buffering?

  19. Kevl24 25. Svibanj 2018. 16:44

    Can you change the language

  20. Footballia
    Footballia 25. Svibanj 2018. 23:09

    Maybe you're mistaking us with Netflix ;-) These matches were recorded from TV channels and the commentary is therefore in the language of the channel.

  21. alexg7 10. Svibanj 2018. 13:41

    genial estaria mejor en español :)

  22. Ruutu 23. Kolovoz 2017. 23:28

    The comments are in Russian, not German.

  23. Footballia
    Footballia 23. Kolovoz 2017. 23:46

    You're right, thank you!