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Tottenham Hotspur vs. Liverpool FC

Tottenham Hotspur vs. Liverpool FC cijela utakmica

Premier League 2013-2014

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Premier League 2013-2014
Week 16
White Hart Lane (London)
15. Prosinac 2013.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. bitchass 10. Srpanj 2017. 20:14

    Why are the 2nd half clips lower quality when you have to find the 2nd half on the player. Could this be fixed? Thank you for the content anyway.

  2. D2reds
    D2reds 7. Prosinac 2018. 12:43

    I can’t get the second half, will you tell me how?

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 7. Prosinac 2018. 20:41

    That might be the case occasionally, but in no cas is that the norm. Both halves are usually the same quality as they're usually the same source. Occasionally though, it may be different.

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 7. Prosinac 2018. 20:42

    As for where to find the 2nd half, D2reds, please read the yellow message above.