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United States vs. Ghana

United States vs. Ghana cijela utakmica

World Cup 2010

Cijelo natjecanje
World Cup 2010
Ova je utakmica podijeljena u 2 datoteke. Neka se prvi video reprodukuje do kraja bez zaustavljanja, a sljedeći će se pokrenuti automatski.
Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Round of 16
Royal Bafokeng (Rustenburg)
26. Lipanj 2010.

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  1. carlos 28. Ožujak 2021. 17:42

    Agradecido por permitirme ver este gran partido, lástima que el video tenga errores en la reproducción pero de igual manera muchas gracias! Éxitos a la mejor biblioteca del fútbol mundial

  2. pdschust 5. Lipanj 2020. 19:57

    Yes it is a little glitchy, but the fact that you have the entire game is brilliant. You can't find most of the matches on this site anywhere else. So keep up the good work! I also wanted to comment that if you find anymore of the US broadcasts of their World Cup games I would love if you added them. I grew up watching them live so it would bring back a lot of fond nostalgia, plus who doesn't love listening to Ian Darke. Thanks!

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 6. Lipanj 2020. 12:59

    Thank you! As regards the broadcast, everyone has their favorite, but we can't make everyone happy. Please check our FAQs section to find out more about our language policy. :-)

  4. ASnyder3584 22. Lipanj 2019. 03:22

    At least y'all have the archives. Thank you for all your hard work. Had been looking for a while for WC Archives.

  5. Footballia
    Footballia 23. Lipanj 2019. 09:18

    Thank you, that's very kind of you!

  6. urbansteel 2. Studeni 2018. 14:22

    This video is glitchy as hell

  7. Footballia
    Footballia 2. Studeni 2018. 14:28

    Unfortunately it's the only copy we have at the moment. If you're aware of a better copy, we'll be happy to replace it.

  8. poto 22. Listopad 2018. 14:59

    It keeps not freezing in a way that it looks like pixels