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AS Roma vs. FK Partizan

AS Roma vs. FK Partizan Ganzes Spiel

UEFA Cup 1988-1989

Von Daniele1 Kommentare404 AufrufeItalienisch

During the game, the TV station broadcast bits of Sampdoria v Carl Zeiss Jena simultaneously.

UEFA Cup 1988-1989
Round of 32, 2nd leg
Stadio Olimpico (Roma)
9. November 1988
Ergebnis einzeigen2 : 0

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  1. Magnificante Dienstag, 23. Juni 2020, 23:02 Uhr

    If somebody can please find the full 4-2 match? I have a part of it, not the entire match though

  2. Daniele
    Daniele Dienstag, 23. Juni 2020, 23:41 Uhr

    I hope also to find it.On the web the are only extensive highlights :)