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Year is 1992 and look it this quality of video
Can someone explain why the quality of the images in the 1992 championship is so poor? It looks like 1960 not 1992? They are really so bad!!! I just checked on youtube and at least the highlights have excellent quality. These games are basically unwatchable, and have value only for historical reference not for entertainment.
Ouv my friend i have same questions when i look italy 90 or usa 94 lot of matches very bad quality who knows why
Dinamarca se vingou da Euro 84
France was not good during this era, between 1987 and 1994. We didn't qualify for Euro 88, World Cup 90 and 94 and were eliminated at 1st round in 1992. Clutch players from Platini generation were retired from the national team (Stopyra, Platini, Giresse, Rocheteau, Bossis, Tigana...) or were old (Amoros and Fernandez) and the Zidane generation was still too young, although amongst 92 French team, you can find some 98 world champions (Blanc, Deschamps and Petit). That's why a fantastic player like Cantona never played a World Cup with France