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Este fue el partido por el que Manchester United fichó al mejor jugador de la historia del fútbol.
This game changed history forever
aqui empezo la carrera del mejor jugador de la historia
He showed nice touches during this game but nothing extraordinary. This shows why Alex Ferguson was the real key to Ronaldo's success. During Cristiano's time in England Alex Ferguson pushes him hard and challenge him in terms of: heading, linking up play, making the right runs. Which makes him the player we see today.
Yeah, I'm a Ronaldo fan, but I have to say there was nothing extraordinary there. But I guess a 17 year old playing with that amount of confidence is pretty convincing.
Lmao. Ronaldo was the star of this game. Obviously there was something extraordinary about him, based on the fact that he stole all the headlines the next day, had the ManU senior players begging Fergie to sign him on their plane ride back to England, and had the world's biggest clubs (Milan, Arsenal, etc.) consider signing him; all based on one game. He terrorized the ManU defense here (O'Shea was doubled over at HT trying to keep up with his pace); he completed several dribbles and fantastic runs; rarely lost the ball; and even ran back to help his team's defense. The only part of his game that needed work was his shot (which took several years for him to really hone). I'd like to see another 18 year old play with as much confidence and skill that Ronaldo did here, against the reigning EPL champions. Alex Ferguson was a great help to Ronaldo, especially with decision making....but Ronaldo was destined to become one of the best players in the world regardless.
Apparently Alex Ferguson and many of his players were not of your opinion. Alex apparently did not leave until he had secured a contract. A week later Ronaldo was in England. So I guess its a good thing that you were not the one judging talent for MU.
This game changed world football
This is the mytical game which means that Cristiano will go to Manchester united